
This new site was built using Statamic CMS. Statamic is a flat file CMS.

I initially created a version of this site using a combination React, Nx, Styled Components and MDX. Long story short, for me, that became complicated and over engineered really quickly.

The simplicity, flexibility and features of Statamic made it easy to get a basic version of this site, with a little help from Tailwind CSS, in a few hours.

A few years back, as part of the Purplebricks Digital Medium blog initiative, I wrote an article that discussed why as a team we switched from using Adobe XD to Figma.

You can read the full article over on Medium. This was part of a wider design system piece that I was working on at the time. There's also another interesting article as part of the blog that discusses how we named our design system.

Creating cool shadows with CSS

I recently had to work on something that needed to include some interesting text shadow styles. I spent some time exploring what is possible using the text shadow capabilities of CSS and it turns out that it's a lot more flexible than I realised.

View on Codepen

See the Pen Shadows by Simon Harper (@simonharper) on CodePen.

This uses the ability to add multiple text-shadows within CSS. Since we are creating a hard shadow we only need to pass the offset and colour values.

 /* offset-x | offset-y | color */
text-shadow: 0px 0px #000000;
/* Multiple shadows example */
text-shadow: 0px 0px #0000000, -1px 1px #000000, -2px 2px #000000;

Using a function in SCSS we can automate the process to create a basic shadow. By passing two values (length and colour) to this function we can easily create shadows of any size that mimic a three dimensional effect.

Note: for this approach to work we need to use solid colours. Using colours with opacity will just end up with the opacities stacked on top of each other creating a very murky dark shadow.

@function createShadowWithShadow($length_a, $length_b, $color_a, $color_b) {
	$val: 0px 0px #{$color_a};
	@for $i from 1 to $length_a + 1 {
		$val: #{$val}, -#{$i}px #{$i}px #{$color_a};
	@for $i from $length_a + 1 to $length_b + 1 {
		$val: #{$val}, #{(-$length_a) + ($i - $length_a)}px #{$i}px #{$color_b};
	@return $val;

We can expand this to have multiple directions by adding a couple of additional inputs to the function.

@function createShadowBetweenColors($length, $r1, $g1, $b1, $r2, $g2, $b2) {
	$val: 0px 0px rgb($r1, $g1, $b1);
		@for $i from 1 to $length {
			$val: #{$val},
						round($r1 - (($r1 - $r2) / $length) * $i),
						round($g1 - (($g1 - $g2) / $length) * $i),
						round($b1 - (($b1 - $b2) / $length) * $i)
	@return $val;

This is cool but we can expand this approach further. If we pass RGB values to the function for two colours we can create the stops in between to blend between the two colours.

Using these basic approaches you could make any multitude of different shadow styles for text.

Note: This approach works in Figma too, but as I found out it only supports adding up to eight shadows which ultimately limits what you can do.

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